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About Art At Stukey

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"Somewhere, amid the darkness, a painter measures a blank canvas, a poet tests a line aloud, a songwriter brings a melody into tune. Art inspires, provokes thought, reflects beauty and pain. I seek it out even more in these times. And in so doing, I find hope in the human spirit." - Dan Rather


Learn more about choice-based art at Stukey by viewing the community newsletter available here.

Learn more about Remote Learning Expectations and Activities here.

Hi there! My name is Ms. Marisa Brown and I am so fortunate to be the art teacher at Stukey Elementary.


I believe in Teaching for Artistic Behavior, a nationally recognized teaching philosophy that centers around student voice, choice, and increased engagement. I believe that each student is an artist. I believe our art room is their studio. And finally, I believe that each and every student can do what artists do. I ground my planning and instruction in the 2020 Colorado State Visual Arts Standards as well as the nationally renowned Studio Thinking (which encompasses both Studio Habits of Mind and Studio Structures).


I strive to create a safe space and a caring community where all students feel welcomed and respected. I build relationships with students so I can know each individual by “Name, Strength, and Need”. I utilize this information to leverage their funds of knowledge and provide differentiation to meet their specific needs. In the art room at Stukey, my goal is for students are challenged, engaged, and supported so they can persevere to succeed in art and learn skills that will be useful in navigating their futures. I will always be a champion for our young artists' voices, hopes, and dreams. In these uncertain times, art can help us build towards brighter days.

Stukey Mission Statement

"At Stukey Elementary, we work with our community to create a caring environment that empowers scholars to persevere and succeed in life."

what do artists do?

TAB 3 Sentence Curriculum For Students_0

Stukey scholars have been learning about what artists do since the beginning of the school year! We have covered what artists are expected to do and where artists get ideas.


3rd, 4th, and 5th grade scholars had just begun learning about how artists plan before we transitioned to remote learning. Some classes completed the following tree map in their Artist Tool Books and had begun planning their next WOW artwork!


The best way to find out where your child is as an artist is to ask your scholar about their artwork! Click here for a helpful guide on questioning children about their artwork. This guide includes sentence frames to structure student talk and allow them to practice their oral language by answering in complete sentences. 

Ms. Marisa Brown

Office Hours:

M|W|F: 9-10 am and 1-2 pm

T|Th: 10 am - 12 pm (As Specials Team)


Available via email, Class Dojo, or Google Hangouts Invite.




Stukey Elementary

11080 Grant Dr, Northglenn CO 80233


"At Stukey Elementary, we work with our community to create a caring environment that empowers scholars to persevere and succeed in life."


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