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Stukey students are expected to complete 20-30 minutes of art activities per day (or 2 - 2.5 hours per week). However, at this time attendance will not be taken and assignments will not be graded by the specials team in accordance with district policies.


Scholars have been experiencing choice-based art since the beginning of the school year. They have had instruction and practice within the following centers: Drawing, Building, Collage, Painting, and Digital Arts.


Stukey Stingers are ready to learn by experience and make independent choices while making their art!


Please allow your child to choose their own art path (with your permission) by selecting activities from the choices below. Remember it is not the destination that matters but the journey - celebrate your scholar's art process and don't focus too much on the product!


Scholars can share their artwork by taking a photo and submitting it here for our online Art Gallery!


Click here to view drawing resources, ideas, and videos for K-5 students.


Click here to view building resources, ideas, and videos for K-5 students.


Click here to view drawing resources, ideas, and videos for K-5 students.


Click here to view drawing resources, ideas, and videos for K-5 students.


Click here to view painting resources, ideas, and videos for K-5 students.


Click here to view collage resources, ideas, and videos for K-5 students.

Digital Arts

Click here to view digital arts resources, ideas, and videos for K-5 students.

Museum Tours & Art Videos

Click here to view museum tours, and videos for K-5 students.


Fiber Arts

Click here to view fiber arts resources, ideas, and videos for K-5 students.

Art without Supplies

If you don't have access to art supplies, you can still do what artists do!
Click here to check out examples and ideas.

Asking your Child about art

Asking Your Child About Art

Ms. Marisa Brown

Office Hours:

M|W|F: 9-10 am and 1-2 pm

T|Th: 10 am - 12 pm (As Specials Team)


Available via email, Class Dojo, or Google Hangouts Invite.




Stukey Elementary

11080 Grant Dr, Northglenn CO 80233


"At Stukey Elementary, we work with our community to create a caring environment that empowers scholars to persevere and succeed in life."


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