Museum Tours
​Visit famous art museums from the comfort and safety of your home by clicking the pictures below.
​The British Museum
​The Guggenheim
​The J Paul Getty Musuem
​Van Gogh Museum
​The National Museum of Anthropology - Mexico City
​The Metropolitan Museum
of Art
​Tour of Monet's Garden
Comparing and Contrasting Artworks
A Venn Diagram is an age-appropriate activity for K-5 students to guide them in carefully observing artworks to notice similarities and differences. You can choose artworks from any of the museums listed above to complete this activity. Click on the picture below to open a Venn Diagram for comparing artworks in Google Docs. You can go to the top of the document and click "File" then "Make a Copy". Then, you can double click to edit the diagram or print it and allow your scholar to write inside the circles. Kindergarten-2nd grade can draw or write with your assistance! See my example below or reach out if you need clarification.

art videos for kids
Click on the images below for kid-friendly art channels on YouTube.
Please remember to encourage safe internet use. Ask adult permission or have adult supervision when watching videos online.
Click on the picture below to view Creative Galaxy, an Amazon Original art show perfect for Kindergarten and 1st grade. Amazon has made this show free during this difficult time.